25th anniversary of our Parent company!
Our parent company, Ropapharm International BV, celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2021!
To celebrate this milestone, the magazine “De Molenaar” held an interview with Paul Mensink, founder of the company. The magazine specializes in the grain processing and animal feed industry.
Ropapharm International specializes in developing and manufacturing alternative feed supplements for the livestock of commercial farmers. The products are mainly based on oregano oil that the company harvests and distills itself. The products support the general health of livestock and are sold and used to companies around the world.
Paul Mensink, founder of the company, beautifully described the main theme of the interview with the following quote: “Oregano has come of age”. By this he means that oregano, over the years, has become increasingly known in the livestock industry as a natural option to support the health of the animals. It is very nice to see that oregano, something that Ropapharm International believes in so strongly since day 1, is gaining more and more recognition.
Finally, Paul hopes that registrations and procedures for natural products will be adjusted in the future. There is more than enough concrete evidence for many natural products that they have an active and positive effect. For example, practice has proven that the use of oregano has actually contributed to reducing antibiotic use. But current EU regulations for animal food supplements limit the claims natural products can make, even if there is sufficient evidence. Paul hopes that this will change in the future.
We thank De Molenaar for the nice interview with our parent company in their December 2021 edition.